June 12, 2012

Hot Pita Bread and Hummus Sandwich

My son loves dipping pita bread into hummus. There have been several times where we have feasted on a lunch of fruit and hummus. My favorite recipe is Extra Easy Hummus on All Recipes. It really is easy and worked out perfect for when I lived in the middle of nowhere far from places that sell tahini.

Rather than make my son eat hummus and pita bread two days in a row, I often make him a hot pita bread "sandwich" to enjoy. His favorite combo so far is hummus, finely chopped fresh spinach, and mozzarella cheese. I melt it in the microwave or oven. Super tasty!

Don't let my son's face fool you, he enjoyed every single morsel with a side of sliced grapes. 

1 comment:

April said...

Hi! A friend passed your site along to me. Love it! :)
I wanted to let you and your readers know that tahini is super easy to make! Grind up sesame seeds either plain or with garlic, lemon juice, salt and pepper, and olive oil, which is optional. I eat this on everything! Can't wait to look over the rest of your posts :D